Sunday, January 12, 2014


For my first post I am going to briefly discuss an app called Skyward.  Now let me clarify, I am going to call just about all things that help out an app, even if they don't have an actual I-phone or android app.  I just happen to know Skyward does have an app because I use it everyday on my phone to take roll in class.

Now why is Skyward my first post?  Well let's just cut to the chase.  If as a parent you don't care about your child's grades then you are not even going to read this in the first place...but....if you do care you might not know just how informed you can be.  You might email the teacher daily, ask your kids how his grades are, etc.  Now if your child is one of mine they know EXACTLY how to answer your questions.  Why?  Because the first week of school I show them this.  I find it funny to see the kids out in the hall "checking" their grades.  I always ask, does your teacher NOT show you how to look this stuff up?  All of my tests are taken online via the Skyward method.  Yes, kids can look up the answers.  Sadly though here is the kicker.  Many of my kids actually end up NEVER using this great tool that is offered.  Why? Because their parents don't know.

As a parent you have your own access to your kids grades/assignments, absences, and many other things.  No more emailing the teacher for grades.  When a grade is entered the grade is updated instantly.  You can see all the assignments.  Parents in my classes can click a link that shows them all of the quizzes/test I have up and running and when they are due. It really is a pretty good app for the informed parent.  Take the first step.  Email the counselor. Ask for you parent log in.  Do it and start playing around with it.  You can't hurt anything.  You can only SEE things, you can't actually take things like the test/quizzes that teachers like me put online.  Why?  Because those are sent to the STUDENT, not the parent.

So, what are you waiting for.  I am attaching a link to the help page.  Have a good time.

Coach Apperson

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